Because the REELEX system is a patented technology, the authorized use of these patents, associated trademarks and know-how is administered through the signing of a License Agreement and the paying of usage fees or “Royalties”.

This contract gives the Licensee full access to REELEX’s portfolio of patents and all trademarks associated with the REELEX system, while also entitling the Licensee to unique advantages and benefits guaranteed to them as long as the REELEX system is being utilized.

Royalty fees are collected from ALL REELEX licensees. Everyone with a D-750 pays the same fee regardless of how long they have been a customer, or how many machines they have. The small companies can compete equally with large companies with no favoritism. These royalties keep REELEX in business so we can continue to provide parts, service, know-how and decades worth of R&D to our customers. Without the royalty fee REELEX would be out of business very soon, and so would service and parts to support over 300 active REELEX machines, over 100 major cable producing facilities and thousands upon thousands of distributors around the globe.